Designing & Teaching Learning Goals & Objectives

Screen Shot 2016-06-05 at 7.17.08 PMDuring my first year of teaching I was introduced to Robert Marzano at nearly every professional development. It become more prevalent when my State decided that teachers needed to be evaluated using a different system. My District accepted the Marzano Evaluation System and developing learning scales and goals became a hot topic amongst my colleagues. The best PD I attended over this topic was at the Marzano conference in Florida where I discovered this book (and corresponding outbreak sessions). This book has everything you are looking for when trying to develop learning scales. It breaks down how to build a scale, key terms to look for, how to identify what your standard really wants students to be able to do, and so much more! It’s my go-to-guide when I write learning scales in my classroom.

You can find this book on the Marzano Research website for $24.95.